TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 1/1/25: RYAN BROS.: San Diego Sunrise, Cowboy Coffee, Espresso Gold. COFFEE & TEA COLLECTIVE: Ethiopia Yrghacheffe Halo Bertiti, Heirloom varietal, washed process, light roast. They’re quite excited about this one. S3 COFFEE BAR: Nicaragua La Estrella, Full City roast, washed process.Continue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/31/24: CAFE MOTO: Blue Sky, Espresso Moto, Indo Noir, French roast, Kenya Nguvu, Super G and Sumatra. ASCEND: Holiday Blend, Indo decaf, Agaro light roast. VIGILANTE: Yemen Haraz, Jaadi varietal, natural process, light roast, Creme de la creme appelation. XULA:Continue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted on 12/30/24: MEMLI COFFEE LAB: Ethiopia Guji Anferara, Heirloom varietal, natural process, grown on red heavy soils at 2K meters above sea level; certified organic. THREE LEGS: Aspen’s Blend; Dos Mujeres blend; Guatemala Huehuetenango Organic. http://tlcroasters.orgContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/26/24: MEMLI: Panama Boquete, Adaura Gesha varietal, natural process, light roast. ULTREYA: Honduras organic, NKG Bloom project. RAW: Ethiopia Shantawene, Sidamo, Sidama, Lekempti and Yrghacheffe. Busy there. http://rawcoffeeroasters.comContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/24/24: RYAN BROS.: San Diego Sunrise; Christmas Roast. ULTREYA: 12th House espresso blend of centroamerican and African Arabicas, recommended for espresso and drip/filter cup service. MOSTRA: Bambito Estate Gesha varietal, washed process, light roast, expensive. http://mostracoffee.comContinue Reading

TODAY’s COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/23/24: CAFE MOTO: Yule Fuel Holiday Blend. There are others, but the data was scrambled….sorry. CAFFE CALABRIA: Organic French Roast; Italian roast; Ethiopia dark. BIRD ROCK: Naughty Blend—they refer to it as “lumps of coal” dark roast. I hope everything isContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/20/24: MARLETTE’S: Costa Rica Hacienda Sonora light roast, India Pearl Mountain Peaberry medium roast, Colombia Excelso Bochica dark roast, Ethiopiques 2.0 Blend medium Roast. Collectively known as Marlette’s Holiday Blend. VIGILANTE: Guatemala Finca La Senda, anaerobic process, light roast, experimental coffee. Recommended brew ratioContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/19/24: ACENTO: Ethiopia Nansebo, washed process, medium roast. Mexico Veracruz. BIRD ROCK: Brazil Terra Alta peaberry, IAC 125 varietal, light roast, natural process. ARCIDIACONO: Blast Radious high caffeine content coffee; Brazil, Panama, Indonesia and Hawaii Kona blend. Lighter roast than Arcidiacono’sContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/18/24: MOSTRA: Panama Bambito Estate, Gesha varietal, washed process, light roast. RYAN BROS.: Christmas Roast, Espresso Gold, Broadway Blues. JAUNT: Holly Jolly blend; Costa Rica, Caturra and Catuai varietals, anaerobic process. MODERN TIMES: Heavy Weather Winter Blend; 50% Honey CostaContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 12/1724: MEMLI COFFEE LAB: Panama Boquete Adaura, Gesha varietal, natural process. VIGILANTE: Yemen Haraz, Creme de la Creme, Jaadi varietal, skin-on dried natural process, light roast, recommended at 1:15 coffee/water ratio at 205 degrees F for french press or filter cup brew.Continue Reading