TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 10/18/24:

BIRD ROCK: Ethiopia Sidamo Bombe Natural process, Heirloom varietals, light roast. They’re quite excited about it.

MOSTRA: Philippine Nano Lot Series, Lot 2020: peaberry, light roast, direct trade, Typica, Bourbon, and San Ramon varietals. Costa Rica Hacienda Sonora: blend half natural process and black honey process, light roast microlot. Ethiopia Sidama Betibiroti: light roast. Rwanda Gitega Hills: light roast.

COFFEE & TEA COLLECTIVE: Mexico Chiapas Berley Hernandez Lopez, Caturra, Marsellesa, Costa Rica, Marago varietals, light roast, washed process.

COFFEE CYCLE: They working on a Gesha varietal today, but details are incoherent, incomplete, inchoate and indecipherable as is usual with one of the most secretive of SD roasters. Anyway, they’re excited about it.

PAPPALECCO: Espresso composed of six kinds of beans, roasted individually for a proper Italian style. One of the very few orgs in SD that does this. Dark roast and fit for all kinds of brew methods.

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