TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 7/31/24:

ACHILLES: Guatemala Sierra de las Minas single origin, washed process, light roast; Tanzania Kilimanjaro single origin, washed process, light roast; El Salvador Espresso single origin, medium (City) roast, Bourbon and Typica varietals; Nicaragua Los Congos single origin, City roast, Caturra varietal.

BIRD ROCK: Burundi Munkaze, single origin Bourbon varietal, light roast; Brazil Terra Alta Peaberry single origin, IAC 125 varietal, natural process, light roast.

COFFEE ‘N TALK: Brazil, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea coffees today.

JAUNT: Guatemala Atitlan San Pedro single origin, Bourbon, Catimor, Pache, Maragogype varietals, washed process, light roast; 130 Blend, Guatemala/Ethiopia blend, natural and washed processes, medium roast.

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