COFFEES ASHORE at Oakland or Long Beach on 7/1/21:
Colombia Macizo Del Guarapas: Taste notes: Lemon, cherry, milk chocolate, floral. Bright, winey acidity, juicy body.
Guatemala Huheutenango ASDECAFE Organic: Citrus, milk chocolate, well balanced; lively acidity.
Guatemala ASPROGUATE Fairtrade Organic: Chocolate, floral, citrus; delicate acidity.
Guatemala FECCEG Fairtrade Organic : Chocolate, honey, berries, floral; delicate acidity.
Guatemala Coffee Kids Huehuetenango : Honey, chocolate, floral; citric acidity, tea-like body.
Honduras Coffee Kids UNIOCAFE: Stone fruit, caramel; bright acidity, velvety body.
Honduras La Flor SHG EP : Vanilla, berries, nutty; delicate acidity, good body.
Honduras Guara Verde : Orange, vanilla, grape, chocolate; high citric acidity, juicy body.
Mexico NKG BLOOM Zongolica *Produced by women: Brown sugar, chocolate, floral, tropical fruit; citric acidity, medium body.
Panama La Gloria Estate *Women-owned and managed.: Tropical fruit, stone fruit, citrus, chocolate. Juicy body, sweet.
COFFEES AFLOAT, inbound to US ports today:
Ethiopia OCFCU Yirgacheffe G2 Fairtrade Organic : Lemon, blueberry, black tea, jasmine; juicy acidity, silky body.
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Misty Valley G1 Natural: Delicate, berries, stone fruit, black tea, sweet, balanced.
Ethiopia Mokamba G4 Natural: Berries, chocolate, caramel; winey acidity, creamy body.
Ethiopia Sidamo Shantawene Natural G1 Organic : Tropical fruit, strawberry yogurt, sweet and complex; winey acidity, smooth.
Kenya AA Mugaga Kagumo: Pineapple, peach, citrus, maple; complex acidity, smooth body.
Mexico Mixteca Fairtrade Organic :Stone fruit, floral, chocolate; malic acidity, smooth body.
Papua New Guinea Organic Korofeigu : Honey, green tea, chocolate; juicy acidity, full body.
Papua New Guinea Mile High : Green apple, honey, chocolate; crisp acidity, creamy body.
Papua New Guinea Arokara : Vanilla, green tea, chocolate, nuts; lively acidity, round body.