TODAY’S COFFEE roasted in San Diego on 5/29/24: SIMPLE BEANS: Guatemala Pixquin El Platanillo Full City roast, Rainforest Alliance coffee. PROVECHO: Mexico Oaxaca Bourbon varietal, washed process, light roast. QUAIL STREET: Mexico Oaxaca Typica, Bourbon, Criollo and Caturra varietals, washed process. Costa Rica Palmichal, Catuai and Caturra varietals, City Roast,Continue Reading

IN HONOR OF INTERNATIONAL WOMENS’ DAY, here are newly arrived coffees at US ports from womens’ farms in Centroamerica. Look for these at your local roasters in the coming weeks; put some money in a woman’s pocket! Colombia El Desarrollo Café de Mujeres Honduras NKG Bloom Gea SHG EP OrganicContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 1/8/24: MODERN TIMES: Dripping Sun house blend. MEMLI COFFEE LAB: Brazil Daterra Farms Aramosa and Laurina low decaf varietals. COZY CANINE: Muddy Paws dark roast. MOSTRA: Ghost Bear blend.  Continue Reading

Mark Jamison Daniels, formerly of El Cajon, was sentenced to eight years in state prison this morning following his September 6 conviction for molestation of his eldest daughter. The case arose from charges filed by his daughter, Elysee, and interrupted a horrific continuing series of sex assault against the girlContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 9/15/23: SEVEN SEAS: Mexico Chiapas Dragon Anaerobic Natural process. microlot. PANNIKIN: Ethiopia; Pannikin Blue Sky; Sumatra—all fair trade organic. Mexico Chiapas; Peru dark. VIGILANTE: Peru Wilder Facuno. Peru Clever. ZUMBAR: Sumatra Mandehling; Ethiopia Natural Konga Dikinesh Hirbaye. Decaf. KEEN VIBE: Tanzania; Mexico; Kenya;Continue Reading

HOUSE OF BLACK: Nicaragua single origin washed process, caturra, catuai and bourbon varietals. DAYMAR: Papua New Guinea; Rainforest Alliance Blend. CROWBEARD: Ethiopia Sidamo decaf; Honduras La Paz, bourbon and catuai varietals. ACENTO: Mexico Patlanalan dark roast Alma Obscura Puebla. SLEEPING TIGER: Guatemala. STEADY STATE: Ethiopia Adornak; Space Traveler blend–Ethiopia AdornakContinue Reading