TODAY’S COFFEE roasted in San Diego on 4/23/24:
RYAN BROS.: Papua New Guinea Purosa fair trade, dark roast.
GOT HEMPSA: Coronado Beach Coffee; Colombian medium roast infused with 500 mg CBD per bag.
BIRD ROCK: Ecuador Hacienda la Papaya, Typica varietal, natural process, light roast. Also, the same coffee following a washed process, light roast, and the same coffee following a rum barrel fermentation process, also light roast. See below for clarification of processes. They say they’re readying for presentation on 30 April, but they’re cracking busy over at the roaster right now. Bang on the door for today’s beans if you’re so inclined.
QUAIL STREET COFFEE ROASTERS: Mexico Oaxaca Ozolotepec washed process, Typica, Criollo, Bourbon, & Caturra varietals, light roast. Costa Rica Palmichal microlot, catuai and caturra varietals, washed process. Sumatra, limited product, wet hulled process, medium roast.
ELIXIR: Screaming Goat espresso.
THREE LEGS: Aspen’s Blend; Pink Cloud; Big Dude dark roast blend.
“Washed process” means ripe coffee cherries are de-pulped and fermented for 15 hours in water before drying on the usual sun tables. “Natural Anaerobic process” leaves the sugary coffee pulp on the berry or coffee bean along with naturally present microbes. Ripe coffee cherries are placed in sealed tanks and allowed to ferment for 120 hours before drying on the sun tables. “Rum Barrel process” repeats the fermentation steps of the Natural Anaerobic in a rum-sodden oak barrel. The fermenting coffee cherries absorb the essence of the rum in the oak barrel. Whiskey barrels or other barrels previously holding various spirits can be used for this process. “Wet hulled process” is usually specific to Indonesian coffees, where the parchment layer on the beans is removed before the berries are dry. This process is extremely labor intensive and increases the time and cost of these coffees but is often essential due to weather conditions affecting the drying out process. Wet hulled coffees are said to add depth and body at the expense of acidity and high notes to the flavor. Coupled with dark roasting, Indonesian coffees are often prized for their deep body and full feel taste.